

Brand Strategy , Brand Guardianship, Logo, Graphics, Architecture, Interiors, Website, Marketing, Films, Art-direction & Illustration

& Create, 2012-2022


Urdang Academy is among the world's leading performing arts schools. As Brand Guardians and Non-Exec Directors, we've guided its visual, architectural, and marketing direction over the years. Our goal: to expand into new markets and attract top student and teaching talent globally.


Following an extensive brand strategy, we developed a bold and trustworthy brand marque befitting their stature. This injected energy into their marketing, website, and literature, while adding drama and excitement to their physical environments, film, motion graphics, and photography.


Through continued success and a decade-long partnership, Urdang expanded internationally, venturing into new realms such as PR, Talent Management, Syllabus Creation and Sales, Production, and more. This evolution prompted the company to split into two distinct brands, enabling the owner to focus on the new ventures while potentially selling off the academy division.