

Strategy, Logo, POS, Packaging Design, On-Line Marketing & Guidelines.

The One Off, 2023-2024


As part of the latest George at Asda product strategy, there was a focus on re-evaluating and revitalizing their renowned celebratory collaborations. Our task was to encapsulate the personality of Stacey Solomon and her home, Pickle Cottage, in a manner that would ensure longevity and shelf appeal.


Stacey emphasised that the marketing shouldn't solely focus on her photos but should instead reflect her taste. Incorporating Stacey's signature into the George At Home Lock-up provided an opportunity to infuse the range with a personal touch. The muted and sophisticated color palette allows the products to shine, both online and in printed marketing materials. Coupled with a simple and inviting art direction, the range speaks visually with a cohesive and distinctive voice.


The range sold out within days, prompting numerous reorders. Its success has led to the design of a children's range, with plans for more to follow.